A Beginner’s Guide to Composting

What Is Composting? How To Start Composting? How Does Composting Work?

Composting is the eco-friendly and nontoxic way to improve the condition of our gardening soil. This article gives an overview on what is composting and how it works.
Image Credit - https://pixabay.com/en/compost-garden-waste-bio-nature-419261/

Composting is a great way to reduce the amount of household waste that normally goes into the garbage dumpsite. Once we establish the habit of composting in our backyards, we will be able to harness the benefits of recycling and gardening, that is to eliminate biodegradable kitchen waste and enrich our gardening soil in a very eco-friendly way.

What is composting?

Composting is simply a way of turning organic kitchen waste and lawn trimmings into a valuable resource for gardening. When you compost waste, you speed up the process that these materials go through on their own through decomposition. The end-result of composting is this substance that you can use to fertilize your gardening soil. The compost itself is not a soil, but it is an organic product that can enrich the soil and help grow hardier and healthier plants.

How do you start composting?

You do not need a lot to start composting. Basically the only three things that are important are the (1) kitchen waste or lawn trimmings; (2) your compost bin; and (3) the place where your compost bin will be stationed.

Compost bins are easy to make.

You can actually use any old container that has holes enough to let air and moisture circulate within the organic waste. If you are unsure about making your own bin, you can purchase one at a gardening supplies store.

Regardless of how much organic kitchen waste you put in there or how your bin looks like, compost happens the same way. Waste materials are broken down are they are eaten by bacteria and fungi.

How does composting work?

Composting requires air, water, and waste in the right amounts. When all these are adequate, the microbes will do their work well and produce good compost. A compost bin that produces a foul odor is probably not getting the right air circulation within the bin. To resolve this problem, simply add wood chips or trimmings and turn the compost bin to make sure they mix with everything.


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